5 Ways To Make A Delaware Drunk Driving Case Worse

When looking upon it in hindsight, most Delaware motorists would agree that they made a mistake by getting behind the wheel of a car after drinking. However, one episode of poor judgment does not always have to lead to another. Case in point is a March 19, 2021 article published by Delaware Online, which described how a man arrested for DUI will also face multiple felony charges because of his actions before, during, and after being apprehended.
Maintaining your composure can be an advantage in a drunk driving case, while consulting with a Wilmington felony DUI lawyer gives you an edge in obtaining a favorable outcome. There are ways to conduct yourself without making things worse for your DUI case, so take the following tips as recommendations on what NOT to do.
- Cause a DUI Accident: An auto collision was behind the chain of events leading to the recent drunk driving arrest in Dover. The accused rear-ended a vehicle and caused injuries to the occupants, who called 911 to report the collision. Under Delaware law, a DUI can be elevated to felony charges when it involves a fatal or injury-causing accident.
- Flee the Scene: The second mistake by the accused was leaving his vehicle and running off after striking the other vehicle. Leaving the scene of an accident involving injuries is a misdemeanor in addition to DUI, and it may even be a felony if the collision leads to a fatality. A conviction can also lead to fines and a driver’s license suspension.
- Refuse to Blow: When they did catch up to the man after a short chase, police suspected from his demeanor that he was impaired. Still, after being arrested, he refused to submit to a breathalyzer test. Under Delaware’s implied consent law, all motorists must agree to chemical testing if requested by police. A refusal can lead to a driver’s license suspension, and law enforcement can still obtain a chemical test through other means.
- Assault Officers: The accused put up a fight after his arrest, becoming aggressive when officers took him to the hospital for a blood test to measure his blood alcohol concentration (BAC). He kicked two officers during the blood draw, leading to charges of offensive touching of a law enforcement officer.
- Have Drugs on Your Person: Following the DUI crash, police conducting their investigation found multiple bags containing marijuana. Based upon the amount of pot in his possession, he could face felony charges. When added to the other misdemeanor and felony counts mentioned above, you can see how certain misconduct is a huge disadvantage for your drunk driving case.
Call Now to Speak to a Delaware Felony DUI Defense Attorney
Your situation may look grim when you are pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving, but you will be ahead of the game if you avoid these ways of making a Delaware DUI case worse. For more information, please contact Attorney Michael W. Modica by calling 302.600.1262 or visiting our website. We can schedule a consultation at our offices in Wilmington, DE to review your situation.