Category Archives: Computer Crime

Child Pornography and Computer Crimes in Delaware
When you think of the various ways someone can use technology to engage in criminal activity, identity theft, online fraud, phishing, and hacking all come to mind. However, there are extremely harsh laws on child pornography in Delaware, also crimes in which the computer is commonly used. These statutes have been in existence since… Read More »

Penalties For A Delaware Computer Crimes Conviction
Computers, laptops, tablets, and other electronics are powerful tools that we use for a wide range of tasks, and they can also be applied to criminal activities. As such, Delaware lawmakers have enacted a statute on Computer Related Crimes that targets use of these devices in connection with a crime. The laws mainly cover… Read More »

How Delaware Officials Investigate Computer Crimes
There was a time when law enforcement lacked the knowledge, tools, and experience to effectively pursue computer crimes, but the resources available to investigators are now quite robust. Despite the efforts and innovations used by hackers, police are making more arrests than ever for violations of Delaware statutes on Computer-Related Offenses. Officers are developing… Read More »

Comparing Indictment V. Arrest In Delaware Computer Crimes
Computer crimes like identity theft, phishing, and internet fraud were a serious problem throughout the US before the pandemic, and the statistics show that these offenses have spiked over the last 24 months. According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), there were 4.8 million computer-related crimes reported to federal, state and local officials –… Read More »

4 Classes Of Computer Crimes In Delaware
In the modern world where people are linked by computers, portable devices, and telecom networks, a good percentage of criminal activities occur through a keyboard as compared to city streets. Delaware lawmakers have kept the pace with technology to a certain extent, enacting numerous statutes on Computer-Related Offenses. These laws criminalize a wide range… Read More »