Driver’s License Suspension V. Revocation In Delaware

It is true that the two terms are used interchangeably, but a driver’s license suspension and revocation are very different concepts under Delaware law. Essentially, your driving privileges are temporarily removed when officials suspend your license; with a revocation, your privilege to drive is canceled entirely. However, the statute on driving without a license does not make the distinction. Whether it was revoked or suspended, you do not have a license. The act of operating a motor vehicle on a public thoroughfare is a crime, not just a traffic ticket.
Beyond this basic summary, there are many details that will be extremely important if you were charged with driving on a suspended or revoked license. Without a legal background, you may not be aware of how these concepts affect your case. It is wise to retain a Wilmington driver’s license suspensions lawyer for assistance with the process, though some additional fundamentals are useful.
Factors that Impact Your Driver’s License
Always remember that driving is a privilege, not a right. Authorities can wield considerable power over this privilege, using it to encourage safe driving and compliance with traffic laws. Behaviors that impact your driver’s license vary according to severity.
Driver’s License Suspensions: One common way motorists’ privileges are suspended is accumulating points for too many traffic violations in a given time period. Excessive speed, drag or street racing, passing a school bus, and misuse of a driver’s license are specific violations that lead to suspension. Plus, you could be unable to drive for failure to pay child support.
Revocation of Driving Privileges: There are several forms of misconduct that involve a mandatory driver’s license revocation, including:
- DUI;
- Leaving the scene of an accident that caused death, injuries, or property damage;
- Three convictions for reckless driving within one year;
- Using a motorized vehicle to commit a serious crime;
- Underage possession or consumption of alcohol; and,
- Being convicted of a drug offense.
Penalties for Driving Without a License
For a first-time violation, a person may face a fine ranging from $50 to $200. The punishment is harsher for subsequent offenses, so a judge could order a $100 to $500 fine, a 6-month jail sentence, or both. Though these penalties might not seem harsh, consider the fact your revocation or suspension period will be extended.
Plus, keep in mind that there are fees to reinstate your license. The fee is $50 if your privileges were suspended, but you must pay $200 to reinstate a revoked driver’s license. You may also be required to go through the same written tests, road exams, and vision screenings that you did when first getting your license.
Contact a Delaware Driver’s License Suspension Attorney to Learn More
This information about the differences between a driver’s license revocation and suspension is helpful, but the distinctions are less important when you realize that the penalties are harsh with both. For additional information about defense strategies, please contact Attorney Michael W. Modica. You can set up a consultation at our office in Wilmington, DE by calling 302.600.1262 or checking out our website.